You realize how unsafe it is to smoke cigarettes, it can give you disease as well as give many problems to your body. How harmful cigarette water is for our health and those who become dependent on it, they also need some investment to distance themselves from it. No matter how young you are, you may not have vague ideas about its flaws, yet as you get more experienced, your health suffers in many ways. To quit smoking, still can't do it after trying so many numbers, then at that time, we tell you some remedies, which can be valuable for you. We won't tell you any medicine, yet we will give you home remedies that can help you stop smoking. So we should understand what is the easy way.

क्या आप भी Smoking छोड़ना चाहते हैं तो अपनाएं कुछ योग और आयुर्वेदिक नुस्खे

Home remedies to quit smoking

1. Cinnamon

To avoid cigarettes, at that time, first of all focus on home remedies. Assuming that you are dependent on cigarettes, then you should take the help of cinnamon. If you want to smoke, put a piece of cinnamon in your mouth at that time, it will reduce your craving.

2. Honey

You can also use honey to stop the tendency to smoke. In fact, honey contains nutrients, compounds and proteins, which can help you stop smoking. In such a situation, it will be useful for you to remove the tendency of smoking from you.

3. Celery

If you keep carom seeds in your mouth, then its tendency will end continuously. In such a situation, whenever you want to smoke, then keep the celery in your mouth and cut it in the middle, you will soon start seeing the benefits.

4. Ashwagandha and Shatavari

Both these spices are useful in fighting many diseases. Both these spices are widely used in Ayurveda. Normal use of tobacco or smoking leads to accumulation of toxic compounds like nicotine in the body, but spices like ashwagandha and shatavari help in flushing out these poisons from the body.

Why is smoking risky? (What happens if you smoke too much)

Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 synthetics.

Of these, 250 are known to be surprisingly harmful. However, being over 50 can cause disease.

According to the reality sheet distributed by WHO, 7 million people constantly inhale dust due to tobacco use.

Of these, 60 lakh people die directly from tobacco use.

While 6 lakh people smoke due to recycled smoking.

How does smoking start?

At first smoking starts for no particular reason, though over time its appeal starts to disappear.

Many medical conditions involve a person, in their limited ability to focus in time. When a person becomes ill, he starts licking his hands and feet to overcome this tendency.

Attempts to stop cigarette as a rule fail on the grounds that the smoker is not constantly ready to give up the desire to simply enjoy a drag.

Sadly, cigarettes calm the psyche and provide temporary help with pressure.

Due to this greed, the cigarette smoker is unable to give up this dependence and falls prey to it.

Common ways to stop smoking

There are generally three methods of preventing any compulsion.

1. The main way is fear, worry about illness.

For example, the specialist may tell you that when you smoke another cigarette, your lungs will react and it will be harder for you to get through. As a result of this fear, you will immediately quit smoking cigarettes.

2. Another way is lust

If someone lures you with something important, you leave that small thing and go looking for the big thing.

Suppose someone tells you that I will offer you Rs 10 lakh, yet as a trade off you will not approach cigarettes for a month.

Obviously, many would consent to this work.

In such a situation, the longing to get something important and great can remove your compulsion.

3. The third way is love, love for something more important.

Love can improve our cognition, the connection between psyche and body. With affection and request you can undoubtedly get rid of this habit.

A part from these three, there is another way of disposing of dependencies. This is the method of yoga and contemplation. All you want is to find comfort in something bigger.

You can track this reluctance in yoga, chanting and pranayama.

By interacting with God and understanding your abilities, you will really want to eliminate the cigarette habit by yourself forever in no time.

Relieve stress with reflection

We really want inner harmony and joy like never before when we let go of compulsion.

Meditation will give you all you need to break out of slavery.

In fact we are looking for happiness to a great extent. However, the source of joy is present in us. We ourselves are the source of our own joy.

If you search within yourself, you will see that you have no need for drugs.

There was never a need for something that you kept on your chest for a long time. When we take refuge in yoga and contemplation, the intoxication from us will naturally disappear.

Benefits of yoga and meditation:
  • Our body will become more grounded than before.
  • Our insensitive framework will be better than anyone expected.
  • We will be more grounded than at any time in recent memory.
  • Our mind will become calm and pure.
  • We will be armed with more energy than at any time in recent memory.
What are the benefits of quitting cigarettes?

Further develops the border of the lungs. Stamina increases. You need both of these things during exercise.

Quitting cigarettes improves your blood flow and pulse. The glow starts coming back on the face. The ability to fight infection starts increasing.

We can fight infections and deficiencies like never before. It also works on the health of our whole body.

Smoking is the primary driver of the disease. By stopping smoking, you can also eliminate the possibility of this disease on your own.

However, you may still face pressure when you stop smoking. Still, with yoga, you'll really want to beat this pressure without any problems.

Yoga is a better option for smoking cessation:

Yogasanas and Pranayama help us a lot to stop smoking.

1. Kapal Bhati Pranayama

Further develops the blood course.

Gives energy to our sensory system.

Gives harmony by restoring synapses.

Clears the nerves and reduces the urge to smoke.

2. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

Removes pressure from the body.

Calms the mind.

Clears nerves and creates balance.

It helps to remove defects in our breathing structure.

Balances the consequences for the body after cessation of cigarettes.

3. Bhujangasana:

Increases the width of the chest.

Further develops the blood course.

Reduces weakness.

Helps in the management of breathing problems.

Reduces pressure and reduces cigarette craving.

4. Bridge Bandhasana

It cleans our lungs. Builds the supply of oxygen in the body.

Creates tension in different parts of the body.

Calms the mind.

Helps to reduce stress, sadness and tension.

Helps to stop smoking.

5. Sarvangasana:

Builds blood flow in the body and maintains the mind.

Helps to keep the mind calm.

Saves us from stress and sadness.

Reduces the urge to smoke.

6. Balasana:

Relaxes the brain.

Calms our sensory system.

Helps to calm the tension of the mind and body.

7. Trikonasana:

Increases tension and pressure in different parts of the body

Creates physical and mental balance in the body.

Reduces stress and tension.

Reduces the craving for cigarettes.

8. Shavasana

This pose should be drilled at the end of each yoga practice.

This leads the body to intense mental stress.

Reduces pressure.

Helps to restore the lost abilities of the body.

Brings down the pulse and reduces nervousness.

When there is no pressure in the mind and the body is completely free, the need for smoking will never be felt at that time.

Yoga is definitely not a substitute for medicine

Yoga rehearsal boosts our body and mind and has many therapeutic benefits.

Despite this, it is anything but a substitute for medicine. Yoga should be rehearsed under the supervision of a ready Yoga Guru.

Assuming that you have any health issues, you should consult your PCP before doing yoga.